
Pick-Ease Review: A New Tool for Picky Eaters

By Mary Shoemaker October 31, 2014
As the mom of two picky eaters, mealtime can be a challenge. Melissa Desrochers, the inventor of Pick-Ease, understands my struggle. When her children became picky, she discovered that allowing them to eat small bites of food off of toothpicks was a sure-fire way to get it into their stomachs. The obvious problem? Toothpicks are sharp and hard to grip for toddlers. So she took matters into her own hands to create a unique and safe feeding utensil called Pick-Ease.

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Trying out the Pick-Ease

I was thrilled when Melissa offered to send me two Pick-Ease utensils to try with my boys. When I first set them on the table, they were instantly curious and excited to try them out. I chose to serve French toast, a breakfast item that that will eat only 25% of the time. Can you guess what happened next? They both cleaned their plates, and asked for SECONDS!! Wow! Part of me thought it might be a fluke. Maybe they were just exceptionally hungry that day. So we tried it again. Different day, different meal, SAME RESULTS! When I serve meals with Pick-Ease, I truly notice a different, both in the type of food and quantity that they eat.

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Want to try them with your kids? You can get your Pick-Ease online at The cost for two picks is $8.99, but you can save 10% off your order by using the discount code friends at checkout.

Macaroni Kid Kutztown to Allentown was provided complimentary Pick-Ease for the purposes of this review. All opinions are solely that of the author.